Monday, June 30, 2014

Dealing With Financial Anxiety By Azriela Jaffe

Important information every newbie should know.

Work experience....

Since I started networking a couple of months ago, I have made sure to tell other newbie entrepreneurs about the SBDC, Small Business Development Center. Some have heard of it and even used the services. Others have shrugged it off because they have plenty of work experience in their field. To me, that response just seems very closed minded. I honestly believe that there will always be something new to learn in every aspect of life. Why not check out a few of the workshops or at least talk to an advisor to see if you are on the right track. I understand if some of the more seasoned entrepreneurs were to shrug it off, but not for a newbie. We could use all of the extra tips and insight that are available. If you are not willing to be open minded and learn more despite your experience, it is not likely that you will make it too far in your venture. I guess not everyone feels the same though.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mentors: If you don't have one, get one!

There is always something new to learn. No matter whether you are a startup company or have been in business for several years, having a mentor can be an invaluable tool in helping you succeed in business. There are a multitude of free resources out there (some of which are shown in the article link below) that will provide you with the information and support you need to get where you want to go in your business. So if you don't have a mentor or someone else that you can look to for support and guidance, then get one!
#GetOutOfYourBox #NewbieEntrepreneur #Mentors

The Newbie Entrepreneur

I recently opened a small business and have taken a great interest in Entrepreneurship. The hard part is that I am a very shy person. An introvert if you will. I have dedicated 2014 to getting out of my box. Networking has helped me to overcome some of my fears about going out and socializing with professionals that I do not know. My next big step is to take up blogging. As a self conscious person, I did not want to do it because like others, I fear what people will think. I am slowly learning to overcome those fears. But obviously by the anonymous name, I have not fully gotten over that hurdle of fear yet. I will frequently post about small business ownership, entrepreneurship, networking for shy people/introverts, and Autism. That's right; Autism. I take any available opportunity to spread Autism Awareness when I can. Welcome to my journey. Follow me on Twitter @GetOutOfYourBox